Thursday, March 24, 2005

Oh, you've asked for it now

The reply will be forthcoming. It may take a while.


Anonymous said...

Did you delete an earlier, longer version of this post?

CrimsonCatholic said...

Yes. I decided the less said, the better.

CrimsonCatholic said...

"As for his own Christology, I believe he expresses himself poorly at times leading one to suspect heresy but if one were able to nail down a forthright answer its probably okay if somewhat different."

If I didn't have serious doubts about that, I wouldn't even bother. As I said, though, I think he is denying the full humanity and divinity of Christ while claiming to be a part of mainstream Christianity. I see serious risks in that situation. If people are openly in denial of major Trinitarian dogma (e.g., Oneness Pentecostals, Jehovah's Witnesses), it's one thing, because then people are making their choices deliberately. But when Christians are being unwittingly led into a denial of their own Savior, that strikes me as a much different situation. That's why I said that I wouldn't have a problem if he was openly Nestorian, but this notion that he's covertly Nestorian troubles me.