Sunday, September 24, 2023

Trinitarian article index

This is an index of my articles for the last two years that cover my theological pluralist account of Trinitarian relations to explain the East-West division on the filioque. I've also included earlier articles that anticipate this work on theological pluralism.

The Tri-Unity Matrix? (September 2021)

The Son as a source of the Spirit "quod essentia" (Dialogue with Fr. Christiaan Kappes) (December 2021)

The filioque impasse resolved (Response to the work of Michelle Coetzee) (April 2023)

Why the hypostasis/hyparxis distinction doesn't work (Response to the "origination of hypostasis"/"communication of essence" distinction in the filioque) (June 2023)

When polemics become pointless (Response to Craig Truglia's critique of Brian Duong) (June 2023)

When is a cause not a cause? (Interacting with Fr. Thomas Crean's Vindicating the Filioque) (July 2023)

Debunking Fr. Giulio Maspero's account of the filioque (Interacting with Fr. Maspero's Rethinking the Filioque with the Greek Fathers) (September 2023)

Old Nicenes and New Nicenes (Interacting with Dr. Peter Gilbert's "Not an Anthologist: John Bekkos as a Reader of the Fathers") (September 2023)