Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why I love Jesus

Mike Liccione tagged me with this meme, and the theme is an important one to consider. The ultimate reason is divine grace, of course, but here are some important aspects of my experience of it in something like chronological order.

1. Awe of creation. As a physicist, this is where I started to know God, and the more I study metaphysics, the more creation impresses upon me the incredible power of God.
2. Gratitude for the ability to accomplish something truly worthwhile. Being, as all sinners are, powerless and frustrated and utterly lacking in any purpose, I am grateful for the opportunity to do the work of Christ in any capacity. "Without me, you are nothing" (John 15:5) resounds in my heart; I know the truth of it as well as anyone
3. Intimacy of incorporation into His body. Salvation in and of itself might have been accomplished a number of ways, but the intimate union with God through the Incarnation is a gift for which we would never have had any right to hope. Adopted sonship is the greatest gift God could give, and He did so.
4. Friendship in the communion of the Saints. We all admire historical figures, but Christians uniquely have the privilege of having them as friends and brothers in this life.
5. Exultation in the Christian life. One reason I can keep up blogging and writing responses is that almost every aspect of Christian life is a joy to me, which surpasses the joy of any other endeavor. Coming to know Christ in so many ways is a constant surprise. Every time I have moved to deepen my Christian faith, it has been more rewarding than I hoped.

Normally, I am anti-meme, but this seems like an exercise worth doing, and I think it will inspire good writing. :-) I tag Dave Armstrong, AG, AV, Matthew Lickona, and Lawrence Gage.